“One Shot, Many Deaths,” a parody of Bob Marley’s song “One Love,” is for fostering awareness about the dangers of vaccines. Sung by Sob Gnarly and written by Brian Cimins, I was impressed by the lyrics, as it is a very Christ-honoring song. Be sure to share this to help get the word out!
Brian wrote this after both he and his nephew became severely injured by vaccines. You can read more about this tragedy here.
Below are the official lyrics from the website, followed by the audio. The audio lyrics differ somewhat from the website version, although both versions are excellent.
One Shot, Many Deaths (official lyrics)
Let’s get together and vaccinate less
Hear the parents crying (One Shot)
See the children dying (Many Deaths)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord, our kids will be alright
Help Stop the CDC from faking all their studies (Watch VAXXED)
There are some questions we really have to ask (I’ll Start)
Why make vaccines from the blood of pigs, cows and aborted fetuses?
Herd Immunity and Transhumanism has hurt all mankind
Believe me
One Shot, Many Deaths
Let’s get together and vaccinate less
As it was in the beginning (No Shots)
So shall it be in the end (Eternal Life)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord, our kids will be alright
One more thing
Let’s get together to fight this Medical Travesty (No Shots)
So when the baby comes there will be no damage (Watch VAXXED)
Have pity and pray for the doctors who harmed our children
There ain’t no hiding place from Our Lord Jesus Christ
Sayin’ No Shots, Less Death
Let’s get together and vaccinate no more
I’m pleading to mankind (No Shots)
Oh Lord (Eternal Life)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord, our kids will be alright
Let’s get together and stop vaccine damage tonight.
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