Debate, Videos

The Forbidden Debate: “Pro-vaxx” Research Scientist Versus Del Bigtree


The debate Facebook doesn’t want you to see! “Pro-vaxxer” research scientist debates Del Bigtree on vaccines. At the ending, Facebook pulled the debate from its platform; apparently, the pro-vaxx narrative didn’t do well, and even the pro-vaxx scientist seems open-minded.

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1 thought on “The Forbidden Debate: “Pro-vaxx” Research Scientist Versus Del Bigtree

  1. Oh come on now you do not need a university education to know that vaccines are poisonous, dangerous and based on no science, but a religion of greed and population reduction. This debate has been going on since Jenner’s experiments, and needs to stop. Study the ingredients, that is all anyone needs to do and to listen to parents who have had their healthy babies murdered and maimed from the demonic injections.

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