History, Mass Murder

The Vaccine Genocide Chronicles: Part 1: the Australian Aborigines


“Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?”
Proverbs 24:11-12, NKJV

by Steve Halbrook

Massacres of the Aborigines in Australia is known to many, but what is not well known is the insidious slaughter of these natives via vaccines.

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, who worked with the Aborigines — “well known worldwide as the doctor who spent much of his time fighting for the wellbeing of the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia” — [1] came to understand the connection between vaccines and many deaths among the Aboriginal population.

Dr. Kalokerinos — along with Dr. Glen Dettman (both scientists) — discuss what they witnessed when Aborigines were targeted by mass vaccination campaigns:

When our observations first forced us to examine the possibility of immunization being a health hazard, under certain conditions at least, it seemed rather absurd and very puzzling to us. However, the facts were before us here in closed Australian Aboriginal populations where children and adults have been found suffering all too often with severe and even fatal immunological accidents. As scientists we found ourselves taking a second look at the history of microbiology in order to better understand what we were seeing with our own eyes as a consequence of the mass immunizations conducted among the Aboriginal populations.[2]

(Let these doctors/scientists be an inspiration to other doctors and scientists: they did not dishonestly dismiss the connection between vaccines and health hazards with the pretext, “correlation doesn’t mean causation!”)

Vaccines are deadly enough to those with adequate nutrition; but so much more to the aboriginals. Kalokerinos describes the tragic situation:

A health team would sweep into an area, line up all the Aboriginal babies and infants and immunise them. There would be no examination, no taking of case histories, no checking on dietary deficiencies. Most infants would have colds. No wonder they died. Some would die within hours from acute vitamin C deficiency precipitated by the immunisation. Others would suffer immunlogical insults and die later from ‘pneumonia’, ‘gastroenteritis’, or ‘malnutrition’. If some babies and infants survived, they would be lined up again within a month for another immunisation. If some managed to survive even this, they would be lined up again. Then there would be booster shots, shots for measles, polio and even T.B. Little wonder they died. The wonder is that any survived.[3]

“I found that they were visiting the reservations, the outlying camps of Aboriginees in the desert, and if for some reason a mother didn’t want her child to be vaccinated they would simply grab the child and forcibly vaccinate it. I saw them chasing them on foot, and chasing them in Landrovers and grabbing the kids and vaccinating them.”
— Dr. Archie Kalokerinos

Aborigines would even be hunted down and vaccinated (amounting to a potential execution):

I found that they were visiting the reservations, the outlying camps of Aboriginees in the desert, and if for some reason a mother didn’t want her child to be vaccinated they would simply grab the child and forcibly vaccinate it. I saw them chasing them on foot, and chasing them in Landrovers and grabbing the kids and vaccinating them.[4]

Dr. Kalokerinos notes the havoc caused by the flu vaccine, and how other doctors, quite typically, buried their heads in the sand:

Perhaps the most infamous connection was when I was working up in the Gulf country of Australia and Cape York in 1976 and I observed in some Aboriginal communities where the Health department came around and vaccinated them against a particular brand of flu, that a lot of them just dropped dead shortly after receiving the vaccine. And I went to Alman, a man who was in his early twenties and I flew the bodies across to Cairns at the coast where the autopsies were performed, and apparently they had had heart attacks. And I had some further experiences in Townshall, a few weeks later, particularly with diabetics. Now it was strange that I was the only doctor in the whole of … Australia that recognised this combination of events, and yet it was happening all over Australia. But this is fairly typical of my work really that other doctors for some reason seemed to go around with their heads in the sand.[5]

Kalokerinos found that he could prevent some vaccine-induced deaths by providing Vitamin C intramuscularly or intravenously in large quantities. Sadly — as is normally the case — he was vehemently opposed for wanting to end the vaccine holocaust:

One would have expected, of course, that the authorities would take an interest in these observations that resulted in a dramatic drop in the death rate of infants in the area under my control, a very dramatic drop. But instead of taking an interest their reaction was one of extreme hostility.[6]

Kalokerinos conclusion to his work fighting to save the lives of the Aborigines was that vaccines were a deliberate tool of genocide. The following words from Dr. Kalokerinos are not those of a madman, but a brilliant doctor and scientist who sacrificed much of his life and reputation on behalf of the helpless:

Deliberate attempts have been made to allow (Aboriginal) infants under my care to die. The real authorities don’t want these infants to live. The real intention on the part of the authorities is genocide.[7]

Whether or not the intentions of vaccination is genocide, genocide is nevertheless the result (which we plan to cover more in this series). May others follow in Dr. Kalokerinos’ footsteps by working to protect the helpless from vaccination and exposing it for the killer that it is.


[1] Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, Interview: International Vaccine Newsletter (June 1995). Retrieved January 30, 2018, from http://www.whale.to/v/kalokerinos.html.
[2] Archie Kalokerinos and Glen Dettman, Second Thoughts on Disease: A Controversy and Bechamp Revisted (1977). This Joint Paper was presented by invitation to the International Academy of Preventive Medicine, Phoenix, Arizona, August 27. 1977. Retrieved January 30, 2018, from http://www.whale.to/w/kal.html. 
[3] Archie Kalokerinos, Every Second Child (Sydney, Australia: Thomas Nelson, 1974), 102.
[4] Kalokerinos, Interview: International Vaccine Newsletter.
[5] Ibid. 
[6] Ibid.
[7] Archie Kalokerinos, “The Vaccination Dilemma” (videotape, 1992). Mentioned in Harry V. Martin, Was the AIDS Virus tested on Expendable People (FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995). Retrieved February 26, 2019, from http://www.whale.to/b/martin.html

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