An excellent, sobering sermon by Pastor Chuck Baldwin that Christians need to hear — especially those who are putting their hope in Donald Trump. We must remember that only God can save a society, and those who attempt to “make a nation great” without Him will fail miserably.
Election Sermon 2024: Voting for Magistrates and the Law of God (Pastor Matt Trewhella)
An excellent sermon by Pastor Matt Trewhella on biblical voting ethics. Should Christians support Trump in the name of being the “lesser of two evils”? Is Trump even the lesser of two evils? Really, what does Scripture say about this? We must honor God in our voting decisions, and Pastor Trewhella’s sermon does an excellent job showing us how. Fear of man must not motivate us to vote, but the fear of God.
IDOLATRY RAGES as Many Prepare to Vote for a Second Coming of Trump
The above campaign flyer shows that Trump’s campaign understands the idolatrous spirit of many of Trump’s voters, who see him as a “savior,” “our only hope.”
5 Biblical Qualifications for Civil Rulers
Elections come and go. But in each election, no matter the crisis, we must consider what the Bible — which equips for every good work (2 Timothy 3:17) — says about civil ruler qualifications. This can go a long way towards reversing our descent into electoral madness, which has helped to lead us to our current state of mass medical murder.
Salvation has ALWAYS been through Faith ALONE — a Response to “Vaccine Impact”
Regardless of whatever Brian means about the Gospel (God knows), the doctrine of justification by faith alone must be defended on all fronts. In the vaccine awareness community, there are those who hold to the true Gospel, but there are also those who claim to be Christians but who hold to a false gospel, such as salvation by “faith plus works.” There are also evolutionists, atheists and pagans, as well as New-Agers who may seem to believe in Jesus, but in reality deny Him by seeing him as just one of many paths to God.